If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I have been doing my best to increase my abilities and strengthen my body. But if you know much about spinal cord issues, you know that spinal cords don’t really heal. The intense protection they have from everything outside them also means that they don’t really regenerate or recover from injuries. About a month…
Category: Personal Growth
Covering My Head
About a month ago I began covering my head. I’ve kept pretty quiet about it because I’m not a fan of drawing attention to myself, but I’ve had a few people ask me about it, so I figured I’d write a bit about my experience. I have pondered the idea of head covering for a few years and was opposed to it until recently. Back…
The Lord Establishes Our Steps
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 Many of you all know that deep in Mark and my heart has always been the desire to build a healthy, vibrant, Messianic community here in the Boise area. In that vein, we built a website to get our name out, hoping that others would find us who were also…
Three Months Later…
It’s been over three months now since my precious son was born. These months have been hard, but absolutely amazing! My son has truly been a gift to me. He is such a delight. I wanted to write a post specifically to follow up on our choice to end this chapter of growing the size of our family. (Please read the first part of our…
Why Choose Motherhood?
As a young woman, I never personally questioned whether or not I wanted children. I looked forward to marriage and motherhood with an excited longing, even in my teen years. Thankfully, this desire was balanced with a pretty high standard for what I was looking for in a husband, so I didn’t rush into mothering just for the sake of it, but I digress… Lately…
Priorities, Goals, and Passions
Earlier this week, I wrote a list of confessions I called, “10 Confessions of a Super Mom.” I wrote it in response to a few comments I’ve received lately, as well as all the comments I get in passing from random strangers (“I could never do that!”). Because the truth is, no one is Super Mom, and at the same time, we all are. We are…
10 Confessions of a “Super Mom”!
Hahaha… I’m chuckling as I write this. I’ve recently had a few people comment on how amazing it is that I can parent 5 kids and homeschool them, or have home births, or something like that. So I wanted to take a lighter look at my life as a busy mom. I give you 10 Confessions of a “Super Mom”… 10. I do NOT…
The Closing of a Chapter
This week marks the closing of a chapter of my life. My husband is getting a vasectomy. For the past 8 years, my life has been consumed by motherhood. And this has been one of the greatest blessings I have ever known! Through my children, I have learned so much about myself and grown in character more than I ever would have imagined possible. For…
Living a Quiet Life
Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, to do this more and more, and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to…
Working on Being a Servant Mother
Over the past several years of parenting, no one has had a greater influence on my parenting heart than Sally Clarkson. Though I’ve never met her, I feel a kinship with her. Though she is a generation older than me, her past struggles are the ones I work through every day. I know, so mushy! But it’s totally true. I can’t tell you how many…