As a pastor/congregational leader of a Messianic congregation, I quickly realized there is a shortage of quality children’s and teens’ materials. I began writing some of my own materials to use at The Bridge and eventually decided to make them available to the public.
In January 2020 I released my first book, called Crossroads. It’s a Messianic b’nei mitzvah/youth discipleship program. It walks through all different dynamics of our relationship with God, meant to give youth a good understanding of their faith before they become a bar/bat mitzvah.
And in the fall of 2023 I began releasing the biggest project I’ve ever taken on – the Kingdom Kids Messianic Children’s Curriculum. I began with the first year of materials, called Adventures in the Torah and am currently creating the second year, Adventures in the Tanack. This program teaches through Scripture in an engaging way with Bible lessons, character development, Scripture memory, liturgical prayers, Hebrew, and more!
To learn more or order your own materials, please check out my website,!