Good morning!
I didn’t post an update yesterday because now that I’m in rehab things are stabilizing into a routine. There’s not a whole lot to say. 😉😁
I’m doing 3 hours of one-on-one occupational and physical therapy every day, usually broken into chunks. OT is focused on getting me doing normal life things so that I can take care of myself when I leave. PT is focused on strengthening my weak leg and core and triggering the tiny movements I can make with my paralyzed leg. I have a lot of work to do, but I’m enjoying the workouts!
I have a projected discharge date of Wednesday the 7th, which I’m so excited about. But I’m also nervous because I have no idea how I’ll manage day-to-day. There are so many unknowns, so I have to take everything one day at a time.
Please keep praying that God heals my nervous system. 💗 The myelin is destroyed around my nerves and needs to regrow. You may know that the nervous system regenerates at a very slow rate. I am praying that God will intervene and expedite this process in my body as only He can.
Tonight begins Shabbat and I am looking forward to a quieter weekend with only a little bit of therapy and hopefully some extra time to get in the Word. Believe it or not I have been crazy busy here and have hardly had time to process all that has transpired and really connect with the Lord. Looking forward to that this Shabbat!
Blessings on you all…