Personal Growth

Stretching, Growing, and Entering a New Season

Some of you may know that I visited the Seattle area this past weekend.  Mark sent me to a women’s retreat at Beit Tikvah, our home congregation. I was excited and a bit apprehensive about it, being that it was the first time I’d ever left my big kids overnight (yes, ever!).  I also had with me a heavy feeling – not in a negative…

Bible Study

Grace and Law – Opposites or Complements?

I saw a post on Facebook last night that caught my eye.  It was a quote that basically pitted law and grace against each other, showing just how awful law is and how wonderful grace is.  It broke my heart.  God wrote those words of “law” for His people whom He loves with an everlasting love, and who He chose to have a relationship with. …

Family Life

Cultivating a Peaceful, Purposeful Home

Home management is something really important to me. I’m pretty sure I would have completely lost my mind by this point if I wouldn’t have picked up these tips along the way.  I originally prepared this material for a La Leche League enrichment meeting, knowing how valuable this sort of advice can be, especially for new moms.  I thought I’d share it here in hopes…

Attachment Parenting

Attachment Parenting… and the Bible, Part 1

Today I am going to start an 8-part series on attachment parenting and the Bible. I haven’t directly referenced attachment parenting on this blog before now, partly because I don’t want it to be the focus of this blog, and partly because I don’t like labeling myself as one “type” of parent.  But, nonetheless, attachment-style parenting is really important to me. It has laid a…