Biblical Holidays

Our Family’s Sabbath

Today is the Sabbath – the seventh day of the week.  We usually refer to it as Shabbat, the Hebrew word for Sabbath. Sabbath/Shabbat means “rest” or “cessation.” Sabbath-keeping has been a big part of our lives since we began walking down this path of Messianic observance almost 8 years ago.  We have discovered such beauty in the Sabbath! This morning, Mark and I had…

Family Life

Cultivating a Peaceful, Purposeful Home

Home management is something really important to me. I’m pretty sure I would have completely lost my mind by this point if I wouldn’t have picked up these tips along the way.  I originally prepared this material for a La Leche League enrichment meeting, knowing how valuable this sort of advice can be, especially for new moms.  I thought I’d share it here in hopes…

Attachment Parenting

Attachment Parenting… and the Bible, Part 1

Today I am going to start an 8-part series on attachment parenting and the Bible. I haven’t directly referenced attachment parenting on this blog before now, partly because I don’t want it to be the focus of this blog, and partly because I don’t like labeling myself as one “type” of parent.  But, nonetheless, attachment-style parenting is really important to me. It has laid a…

Family Life

Getting Through the Dry Times

Internet has a funny way of altering reality, doesn’t it?  I enjoy the outlets of social media such as Facebook and blogging, especially now that we’ve moved and I’m physically away from most of my friends.  It’s great being able to stay connected online. But we all have a tendency to present only the best part of ourselves online, don’t we?  It’s really not reality. …

Family Life

A Little Challenge for Today

A short but intensely-powerful challenge for you today: I like to read inspiring and challenging book as part of my quiet time every morning.  Currently I am re-reading “The Mission of Motherhood” in preparation for the MomHeart group I hope to be starting up soon.  I read chapter three today, entitled “The Undivided Heart,” and was reminded of something very important. When we are mothering…

Family Life

Getting Started in Homeschooling – A Few Thoughts

I have had a few moms lately who have asked me for advise in getting started homeschooling, so I figured it would make a good blog post.  🙂  So, I’m going to share some of my thoughts with you, and hopefully you’ll find this encouraging and informational!  *Disclaimer: I’m mostly speaking from the perspective of a mom who has decided early on to homeschool, and…